Forward Church

Waymaker: Jesus Rises From The Dead

April 17, 2022
Forward Church
Waymaker: Jesus Rises From The Dead
Show Notes

Christianity isn’t about getting you into heaven. Christianity is about heaven coming to you. You can either declare Jesus as Lord, dismiss Him as a liar, or think of Him as a lunatic. The one thing you cannot remain to be in relation to Jesus is indifferent. Grappling and studying Jesus and the fact that Jesus really did come back from the dead, and seeing Him for who He really is, is so crucial because if you miss this, then you will miss the entire point of why you exist on this planet to begin with and you run the risk of missing out on your life purpose. 

In this first sermon in the Waymaker series, Pastor Bogdan Kipko challenges us from the Bible so that we can see that the biggest miracle that ever was enacted by the Waymaker is that the Son Of God, Jesus Christ, really truly did come back from the dead! 

Let's get ready to find hope in Jesus, by listening to this message.

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