Forward Church

The Body Of Christ

September 04, 2022
The Body Of Christ
Forward Church
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Forward Church
The Body Of Christ
Sep 04, 2022

In this message, Pastor Bogdan continues the sermon series entitled: What Is The Church? Much of what will be shared in this message on The Body Of Christ and The Lord’s Supper was largely inspired by an amazing Puritan writer named Thomas Watson, specifically as he wrote about it in his short but very impactful book entitled The Lord's Supper. 

In this message, we will learn about the five particulars as they relate to The Lord’s Supper, namely the Author, the time, the manner, the guests, and the benefits of the Lord's Supper. In order to equip His disciples for such a time and to encourage, stabilize, and prepare them for what is to come, that very night when He was betrayed, He gave them His body and blood in the Sacrament. He gives them Himself. The amazing thing about Jesus is that even when He was dying, He did not stop loving. 

Let's get ready to find hope in Jesus, by listening to this message.

YOUR NEXT STEP: If you don't have a home church, then your next step of faith is to click this link and fill out the digital connect card. We would love to connect with you:

If this message encouraged you and inspired you to boldly follow Jesus, we ask that you share it with a friend by sending them this message! We help YOU find hope in Jesus. We can't wait to see you in person at Forward Church in Irvine, every Sunday at 11 am!

CONNECT WITH FORWARD: For more information, please visit: and follow us on Instagram: @forwardirvine.

Show Notes

In this message, Pastor Bogdan continues the sermon series entitled: What Is The Church? Much of what will be shared in this message on The Body Of Christ and The Lord’s Supper was largely inspired by an amazing Puritan writer named Thomas Watson, specifically as he wrote about it in his short but very impactful book entitled The Lord's Supper. 

In this message, we will learn about the five particulars as they relate to The Lord’s Supper, namely the Author, the time, the manner, the guests, and the benefits of the Lord's Supper. In order to equip His disciples for such a time and to encourage, stabilize, and prepare them for what is to come, that very night when He was betrayed, He gave them His body and blood in the Sacrament. He gives them Himself. The amazing thing about Jesus is that even when He was dying, He did not stop loving. 

Let's get ready to find hope in Jesus, by listening to this message.

YOUR NEXT STEP: If you don't have a home church, then your next step of faith is to click this link and fill out the digital connect card. We would love to connect with you:

If this message encouraged you and inspired you to boldly follow Jesus, we ask that you share it with a friend by sending them this message! We help YOU find hope in Jesus. We can't wait to see you in person at Forward Church in Irvine, every Sunday at 11 am!

CONNECT WITH FORWARD: For more information, please visit: and follow us on Instagram: @forwardirvine.