Forward Church

New Year Prayer

January 15, 2023
New Year Prayer
Forward Church
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Forward Church
New Year Prayer
Jan 15, 2023

In this second message of 2023, pastor Bogdan Kipko encourages us to fire up our prayer life in the new year.  Oswald Chambers said this about prayer: Prayer is not a preparation for work, it IS work. Prayer is not a preparation for the battle, it IS the battle. Prayer is two-fold: definite asking and definite waiting to receive. 

The big idea in this message is that Paul prays that the Colossian believers will be filled with God’s knowledge and put it into practice. Our prayers for the new year should focus on putting our knowledge of God and His ways into practice every day. When people become Christians, God implants into them a new sense of his presence and love, his guidance and strengthening. This sense needs nurturing and development. 

New Christians need to understand what’s happening to them, and how they must cooperate with the divine life that’s gently begun to work in them. Paul, in prison, can help this process in two ways: by writing, as he is doing, but supremely by prayer. He may not be with the Colossians in person. But the God who is with them is also with him, and in the mystery (and hard work) of prayer he can help their progress toward Christian maturity. 

Let's get ready to find hope in Jesus, by listening to this message.

YOUR NEXT STEP: If you don't have a home church, then your next step of faith is to click this link and fill out the digital connect card. We would love to connect with you:

If this message encouraged you and inspired you to boldly follow Jesus, we ask that you share it with a friend by sending them this message! We help YOU find hope in Jesus. We can't wait to see you in person at Forward Church in Irvine, every Sunday at 11 am!

CONNECT WITH FORWARD: For more information, please visit: and follow us on Instagram: @forwardirvine.

Show Notes

In this second message of 2023, pastor Bogdan Kipko encourages us to fire up our prayer life in the new year.  Oswald Chambers said this about prayer: Prayer is not a preparation for work, it IS work. Prayer is not a preparation for the battle, it IS the battle. Prayer is two-fold: definite asking and definite waiting to receive. 

The big idea in this message is that Paul prays that the Colossian believers will be filled with God’s knowledge and put it into practice. Our prayers for the new year should focus on putting our knowledge of God and His ways into practice every day. When people become Christians, God implants into them a new sense of his presence and love, his guidance and strengthening. This sense needs nurturing and development. 

New Christians need to understand what’s happening to them, and how they must cooperate with the divine life that’s gently begun to work in them. Paul, in prison, can help this process in two ways: by writing, as he is doing, but supremely by prayer. He may not be with the Colossians in person. But the God who is with them is also with him, and in the mystery (and hard work) of prayer he can help their progress toward Christian maturity. 

Let's get ready to find hope in Jesus, by listening to this message.

YOUR NEXT STEP: If you don't have a home church, then your next step of faith is to click this link and fill out the digital connect card. We would love to connect with you:

If this message encouraged you and inspired you to boldly follow Jesus, we ask that you share it with a friend by sending them this message! We help YOU find hope in Jesus. We can't wait to see you in person at Forward Church in Irvine, every Sunday at 11 am!

CONNECT WITH FORWARD: For more information, please visit: and follow us on Instagram: @forwardirvine.