Forward Church

Graves Into Gardens

In this Easter Sunday message, Pastor Bogdan Kipko makes an indisputable case that Jesus turns graves into gardens. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, God reverses the condemnation that you once were under and offers you His salvation. This is good news for us! 

People who don’t confess Christ as their Lord are more often than not worried or scared they are unable to keep that commitment – too many temptations they say, or I can’t keep myself saved. I can’t keep myself clean, I can’t keep behaving, I’m going to do too many bad things, and God is going to be very angry with me. Here is the reality: Just like you can’t save yourself from your sins, you can’t keep yourself saved either – that’s the job of Jesus! 

When you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are saved and secure in Christ. You cannot lose your salvation when you've put your trust in Jesus. 

Let's get ready to find hope in Jesus, by listening to this message.

YOUR NEXT STEP: If you don't have a home church, then your next step of faith is to click this link and fill out the digital connect card. We would love to connect with you:

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